Love, Laughter, and Dairy Queen: Celebrating 12 Years Together


Today is our 12th wedding anniversary and we have been together for just under 15 years total. When I look back I have a hard time grasping how much time has truly passed. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting you at Pockets for the first time and geeking out over World of Warcraft. I know we were destined to meet eventually because we had so many connections between our worlds that we were never going to be passing ships.

I remember our first date where we went to see Year One and sat awkwardly next to each other not knowing that we had similar senses of humor. Shortly after we went back to my place and sat on the couch talking for hours until it was 2 am and you slept on the couch because it was too late to go home.

As time passes we’d hang out, go to movies and on other fun dates. We spent time with each other just because we loved each other's company. I met your family and you met mine. Our worlds began to intertwine even more. I started to think about marrying you.

We began talking about our future together; if we wanted kids and what our long term goals were and if they aligned. Before I knew it you asked me to marry you by sliding the ring across the table. I was a ball of nerves and I was so excited I went to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to puke. Fortunately, I did not but the butterflies were intense!

We began planning our wedding and as time progressed I just wanted to marry you more every day. You were my best friend and I loved having you in my life. Nothing else matters but spending time with you. 

Finally, our wedding day arrived and I was exhausted and hungry because I hadn’t eaten lunch and my dad walked into the bridal suite and asked me where you were. I told him you were in the chapel and he told me that you and all the groomsmen were missing. My goodness how my dad enjoyed stirring the pot with us. I remember Lacie calling Jon and finding out you were at Dairy Queen grabbing a bite before the wedding. I was relieved but low-key salty that you got to eat and I didn’t.

That didn’t matter though, it wasn’t your fault I didn’t get to eat. I remember the warm wind as I stood in front of the chapel preparing to walk down the aisle. I tried to hold back the tears as the overwhelming sense of joy flooded me. Then next thing I knew the chapel doors swung open and I saw you waiting on the other end of the aisle. I saw your eyes light up and start to glaze over. 

We exchanged rings and my finger was swollen. You’d think I went out partying the night before but I had a quiet night after the rehearsal dinner with my bridesmaids in our hotel room. Then we had our hands fasted and those cords now hang behind our bedroom door as a reminder of the love we shared that day. 

This was just the beginning of our love story and there are peaks and valleys but here we are 12 years later with an almost 5 year old and everyday I fall more in love with you and I can’t imagine not having you in my life. 

Love forever and always,


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